Sunday, 26 January 2014

The Grids

You will need an inner grid and an outer grid and they must be spherical. I am using a large spherical spring connected to a large bolt for my inner grid and a coil of metal wire for my outer grid. Although my outer grid is not very spherical it should still work. Note: Do not try and solder a grid as they get extremely hot and will melt. Both grids must be conductive. Finally, connect a wire to both grids and feed them out of the vacuum chamber making sure not to break the airtight seal.

Next: Control Circuitry

The Frame

Its time to build the frame. For my fusor I will have a box. Inside will be all the circuitry, the front panel will have the controls on it and there will be no back panel so i can easily access everything if i need to. On the top of this box will be the vacuum chamber and the pump. I will have a wooden panel on top of the chamber and wingnuts connected to pillers coming up from the box. Tightening the wingnuts will push down on the vacuum chamber pushing it into a rubber sheet. This will allow me to create a better air seal but will also allow me to open up the chamber and service it if necessary. Once you have drilled it all together its time to move on!

Next: The Grids

Collecting Parts

First of all we need to collect the materials we need to make it. I'm making a eoper wooden frame for my fusor, you can see the wood in the picture above. You will als need:

  • A vacuum pump
  • A airtight transparent container
  • A high voltage power source
  • 2 HV diodes
  • Something to make the grids out of(I used metal wire and a large spring)
  • Control circuitry (Thing like variacs and switches to control the fusor.)
  • A grounding rod to ground the NST and outer grid.
Everything here apart from the HV power source and the pump is relatively cheap and easy to get.

Once you have got everything its time to start building!

Next: The Frame